
9 to 5 Nutrition

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Things That Won't Make You Lose Weight

Weight loss is so simple I'm not saying it's easy Reader But the actual process is so simple And people that are trying to take your money will overcomplicate it 💸 They will make you think there's a million different things you need to do They will make you think there's a 'secret' combination of carbohydrates, vitamins and squat variations you need to 'unlock' weight loss There isn't All you need to do is take in less energy than you use i.e. create a calorie deficit There are plenty of...

3 days ago • 1 min read

I know I always go on about sustainability But it's a bit of a wanky word and some people don't know what it means But you need to understand because when it comes to weight, it's SO IMPORTANT Without sustainability, dieting is totally pointless Reader Because if you can't sustain the way you've been dieting forever, you'll eventually gain back all the weight you lost You might even gain back MORE That means that potentially YEARS have gone by you've ended up in worse position All that time...

6 days ago • 1 min read

What a weird thing to say What the hell is 'indoor food' and 'outdoor food' Reader? Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to start eating grass to drop fat (but now you mention it... 🤔) Nope But there is a simple way to split your diet into two to help you lose weight First, what is the difference between indoor and outdoor food? Indoor Food 🏡 Anything you eat in the house This is usually breakfast, lunch and most evening meals Indoor food isn't that exciting Most people also don't have a...

10 days ago • 2 min read

I bet you make excuses all the time Reader I sure as hell do I make excuses NOT to do things And I make excuses TO DO things And when it comes to tour health/physique/weight the second one is MUCH more important If you're unhappy with your physique or your weight, it's probably because you've made too many excuses NOT to do things Stuff like; "I don't have time to cook so I'm going to order a takeaway" 🍕 "It's raining outside so I'm not going to bother doing my steps" 🌧 "I don't want to waste...

13 days ago • 1 min read

I know you're smart Reader You must be if you're subscribed to my email list... 😜 And I know you already know that all you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit It sounds so simple, and it is But almost everyone knows that now, and people still struggle It's not about knowing WHAT to do, it's about knowing HOW to do it You've probably heard that you need 'habits' for weight loss That's true But right now I can't tell exactly WHAT habits you need Because it's different for everyone Let me...

16 days ago • 1 min read

Everyone knows gyms get busy in January You know the drill Reader Everyone's eaten too much Christmas dinner and drank too much wine But weirdly, I tend to get busy around now Why? Well, everyone stuck to their diet or workout plan for Jan and Feb, but gave up after they realised it was too hard They might have lost some weight, but they've put some of it back on now The sun's just started to come out, so everyone is thinking about summer and their holidays coming up in July, August or...

23 days ago • 1 min read

My last email was about Eddie Abbew And he would HATE what I'm about to say (yes, he's living rent-free in my head) But this isn't my opinion Reader It's just facts based on evidence You can read the study here if you want But I know you won't So here it is the #1 takeaway.... If you're trying to lose weight, Diet Coke (or any zero calorie fizzy drink) is BETTER than water Yep I know, it goes against EVERYTHING you've heard before "drink 8 litres of water a day to lose weight! "If you're...

26 days ago • 1 min read

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" That is this man's catchphrase Specifically, he wants you to wake up and realise that you're eating 'processed shit' Reader And that you should ONLY be eating Eggs 🍳 Fatty cuts of meat (like chicken thigh) 🍖 Lamb Pork 🥓 Steak 🥩 Because it makes you 'feel better' He also thinks you should be 'baking your own bread' 🍞 Because shop-bought bread has "too many ingredients" Here's his Instagram if you want to check him out - The man...

30 days ago • 1 min read

I'm lazy, Reader Maybe you are too But being lazy isn't actually a negative thing Lazy people are actually just efficient That means they get stuff done with the least amount of effort possible And why wouldn't you want to do that?! If you save effort somewhere, you can give more effort to something else Let's say you're really good at your job, and you can get stuff done to a decent standard without much effort It means you can put MORE effort into stuff that really matters to you, like;...

about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Picture this You're sitting on the plane waiting to go on holiday You've been waiting for this for months Finally time for some sun and not checking your emails 🌞 The engines start up You taxi along the runway, it's all good, you've done this 100 times before You start to pick up speed, you're pushed back in your chair ✈ You feel the moment you lift off the runway and you start thinking about what Netflix series you're going binge on your iPad But something isn't right The engines are louder...

2 months ago • 2 min read
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