When Ozempic Goes Wrong


I've sent you a few emails about Ozempic before πŸ’Š




You probably know my feelings on it by now Reader




If not, let me summarise;




  • Yes, Ozempic probably will help you lose weight πŸ“‰


  • It works by suppressing your appetite, so you eat fewer calories, thus creating a calorie deficit ⬇


  • When you stop taking Ozempic, your appetite goes back to normal


  • This means that you'll start eating more calories again, and your weight will gradually increase πŸ“ˆ




So while Ozempic will likely work for most people - the crucial thing is, it usually doesn't work long term



Losing weight is a total waste of time if, 6 months down the line you put it all back on again



But ether's another reason Ozempci may not work at all



James Corden recently shared his 'Ozempic journey' - the fulll article is below, but if you can't be bothered to read it...









He basically said that Ozempic DID reduce his appetite, but he still didn't lose weight because for him, hunger wasn't the issue



The issue was, he was emotionally eating



That means, he was eating when he was;



  • Bored
  • Tired
  • Depressed
  • Happy
  • Pissed off




So Ozempic didn't work




But here's the good news if that sounds like you Reader




You can emotionally eat, and still lose weight




Around half the people I've ever worked with told me they 'emotionally eat' - but they all still lost weight




They just emotionally ate in a calorie deficit




I can't give you a 'perfect' step-by-step formula, because everyone is different




But it's about;




  1. Accepting that you WILL emotionally eat
  2. Creating an environment for yourself to do so in a way that limits the damage
  3. Responding in the right way





LEARNING how to eat while controlling your weight will set you up for life



Ozempic is a quick fix... And it might not even work in the first place



I have 1 more weight-loss coaching spot to fill before Halloween πŸŽƒ




Reply if you think you fit the bill (no I'm not an AI robot πŸ€–, and yes I will reply)





Review Me: https://g.page/r/Cff1IczzxIbBEBM/review​

Website: 9-to-5-nutrition.com​

Email: joe.johnson@9-to-5-nutrition.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joe_johnson_9_to_5/​




9 to 5 Nutrition

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